AKC ptd. Watch Me Whip v Cloven Hoof DN BCAT TKP CGCA CGCU VHMA Service Dog

Health Testing Results:
DM: Carrier
SDCA1: Clear
SDCA2: Clear
MDR1: Clear
Hips: Prelim Good
Elbows: Prelim Normal
Eyes: Normal (21)
Cardiac: Normal
Dentition: TBD
Thyroid: Normal
Color Testing Results:
Em/Em: Dark mask
Ky/Ky: Does not carry for dominant black
Ay/Ay: Genetically sable
D/D: Does not carry for dilute
l/l: Does not carry for long coat
From Bugatti's Co-owner: "I met Bugatti the first time three weeks before he officially came home. He was the type of dog you can’t help but love right away. He was offered to me as a SD prospect and I loved him so much from the start. He fit in easily at my home and with me as a teammate. He has really been the dog I needed. He reminds me so much of my late service dog in so many silly little ways and it’s like he was meant to carry on Hero’s legacy. He has already begun to blow me away in PA and as a demo dog for my company. He is adaptable to new sports and environments. He is good with the children in my life and has already made himself somewhat of a house dog here. He’s definitely found his forever place and I’m so glad that his path led him to me."